Snoring and Sleep Apnea
Snoring effects nearly 160 million people in North America, including partners, children and the snorer them self. Snoring is more than just a nuisance, it may be a sign of obstructive sleepapnea (OSA).
Sleep apnea is a serious and growing condition. Negative effects from lack of sleep may be responsible for poor performance in everyday activities and more seriously, depression, irregular heartbeats, high blood pressure and stroke.
To combat the annoyance of snoring, we, at Central Dental offer to make patients a number of appliances designed to greatly lessen snoring and to get the rest patients need. These appliances are traditional mandibular advancement appliances that help reduce or eliminate snoring by moving the lower jaw forward, opening the airway to allow air to flow more freely. These include, Silent Nite Side-Link, TAP and EMA.
A newer device, aveoTSD, may complete the same goal by gently holding the tongue forward using gentle suction, which prevents it from falling back into the throat and obstructing the airway.
Visit us today to discuss your options of reducing or eliminating your snoring or sleep apnea today!